Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rocketbook Wave! -I can stop buying more notebooks!

Alright, so I write sloppy, and I don't really need to access many of my notes very often. However, when that off chance day comes where I need to find some notes I wrote down... I take 30 minutes or more sifting through stacks of notebooks trying to find my notes. However, Rocketbook Wave is fixing that in an easy to use format. They do a really good job explaining the product in their video...

For those who didn't watch the video... Rocketbook is a notebook that allows you to use Pilot Frixion pens on it. Each page has a black border and several symbols that you use to categorize the note. Once you're done writing your note and you categorize it, the Rocketbook app snaps a picture of the notebook page, enhances the notes using the black border, and sends it to the right location via the category symbols. Once you've used up your notebook, you simply throw it in the microwave and the Pilot Frixion ink will turn clear and the notepad is ready to reuse.

CROWD FUNDING LINK: Rocketbook Wave: Cloud-Ready Microwavable Notebook

  • No need to buy multiple notebooks and wonder where they ran off to
  • Reusable
  • Helps you organize your notes and back them up
  • Only reusable for about 10-20 times (10 for me since I write hard)
  • Pricey $35, but that's only $1.25-$3.50 for a 100 page notebook.
  • Need to snap and upload pages soon because of ink properties
Would I buy it?

Yes, but I'm not going to back them. I really like the organization aspect of the product because I'm fairly disorganized.


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